City of


Discovering the city

City of


City of


Its name certainly refers to the notable presence of rocks on which it is positioned, and the way rocks are scattered around the area. Even its municipal coat of arms refers to rocky peaks: on one of these, in the most inaccessible part of the village, stood the castle, of which little now remains. The Morgia dei Corvi and the important Monte Caraceno also stood here, and there are vestiges of fortifications with polygonal walls from the 4th century B.C., and of the necropolis of Troccola.

But what really characterizes this locality is the Teatro Italico, constructed at the end of the 2nd century B.C., with its spectacular beauty, as well as the Temple (1st century B.C.) placed behind it. The excavations began here in 1840, under the reign of the Bourbons. Digging continues in the area to investigate new findings that still come to light.
For some historians this could be the Samnite Bovianum Vetus, while for others it could be the ancient Aquilonia.

The Monument to the Samnite Warrior, Guastalla, about two meters high, is found In Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. There is a beautiful epigraph by Francesco D’Ovidio that reads: “From these cliffs of Boviano Antico the fearless Warrior descended in defense of the Sannio. From this place the sons of Pietrabbondante descended with equal virtue to die for Italy”.

Useful information
Municipality: Via Municipio, 2, 86085
Altitude: 1027 m.s.l.m.
Population: 750