City of


Discovering the city

City of


City of


This small and characteristic center stands on a spur of rock that overlooks the Verrino River, from which it takes its name. It has been a municipality with its own name since 1918 when it separated from Poggio Sannita. The historic center that surrounds the baronial palace is charming, as is the parish church dedicated to saints Simone and Giuda. In 1700 it was part of the Santobuono branch of the Caracciolo.

The church dedicated to Santa Lucia, of ancient construction, is situated in a green area that is suitable for picnics. It has an artificial lake for sport fishing, and swimming pools that are open in summer.

Useful information
Municipality: Via S. Rocco, 71, 86080
Altitude: 600 m.s.l.m.
Population: 100