Cerris Park

The "Cerris Park" Adventure Park is located in the municipality of Chiauci

The adventure park known as “Cerris Park” is found in the Municipality of Chiauci, a small village in the Trigno Valley, about half an hour away from Agnone. It is the first adventure park to be opened in the province of Isernia, actually in the Sant’Onofrio forest, in which the predominant species of trees is the Quercus Cerris (Turkey oak) from which the park gets its name.
The adventure park is made up of a set of pathways suspended at different heights from the ground, installed on trees and high tree trunks, or, in their absence, also on wooden poles or rock faces. Visitors can move freely along these routes, when they been previously instructed on their use, and equipped with a safety device similar to those used in climbing (harness, snaphooks, pulleys).
The routes that Cerris Park offers are as follows:

  • Mini route: accessible to all children with a minimum height of 110 cm, measured from the wrist with the arm raised.
    Access ramp – V Ramp – Netting Tunnel – Rounded Gangway – Flat Netting – Slide
  • Sky blue route: accessible to children with a minimum height of 140 cm, measured from the wrist with the arm raised.
    Ladder – Walkway – Tibetan bridge – Elephant bridge – Swinging bridge – Tyrolean
  • Orange route: accessible to children with a minimum height of 140 cm, measured from the wrist with the arm raised.
    Ladder – Netting Bridge – Wooden tunnel – Swinging walkway – Bridge – Tyrolean
  • Green route: accessible to adults and to children with a minimum height of 150 cm measured from the wrist with the arm raised. Ladder – Wooden walkway – Tibetan bridge – Beams – Monkey bridge – Tyrolean
  • Blue route: accessible to adults and to young people with a minimum height of 160 cm measured from the wrist with the arm raised.
    Ladder – Continuous wooden walkway – Trapper bridge – Flat netting – Moving walkway – Ropes – Tyrolean
  • Red route: accessible to adults and to young people with a minimum height of 160 cm measured from the wrist with the arm raised.
    Ladder – Bridge with 3 cables – Flat Tyrolean – Climbing netting – Tibetan bridge.

In the woods there is also an area that is equipped with tables and barbecues for picnics, a parking area and toilets, so that visitors can spend a wonderful day full of fun and relaxation.

Additional information

“Cerris Park” Adventure Park Rates

  • Mini (children with a height from 110 to 140 cm measured from the wrist with the arm raised) € 5.00; for the residents of Chiauci € 4.00.
    Baby (children and young people with a height from 140 to 160 cm measured from the wrist with the arm raised) € 10.00; for the residents of the Municipality of Chiauci € 8.00.
  • Over (adults and young people with a height over 160 cm measured from the wrist with the arm raised) € 16.00; for the residents of the Municipality of Chiauci € 14.00.

The price includes:

  • introductory instruction briefing
  • individual use of technical equipment (harness and helmets)
  • RCT insurance
  • assistence of qualified instructors.

All tickets are valid for 2hr 30min (including briefing)